LTUC MEETING DATES FOR 2025: AGM: 20 February 20 March 17 April 15 May 19 June 17 July 18 September 16 October 20 November 15 January
ARRIVA Beds Herts & Bucks Strike Photos

Luton South CLP and Labour Campaign for Council Housing public meeting
Luton South CLP and Labour Campaign for Council Housing public meeting featuring these speakers:
Jamie Sweeney (Labour Campaign for Council Housing), and
Tom Shaw (LBC portfolio holder for Housing, and former member of ARCH, the Association of Retained Council Housing)
To be followed by a Q&A session.
Thursday the 10th of October
19:30 - 21:30 at the Dallow Centre,
234, Dallow Road, LU1 1TB

No summer picket line is complete without the obligatory BBQ

After a shift pattern that has been in place for 7 years, the Company ‘realised’ they were paying staff 39 hours for 37.49 hours worked, and sought to rectify.
Reps put forward proposals of;
· Deduct the 1.51 hours per week from employees pay
· Staff work the additional 1.51 hours across their current pattern
· An large number of alternative shift patterns
LLAOL threw all these options out, now stating that there was also a shortfall in manning levels twice a month, which a few days later changed their message to there being a shortfall every day.
The company ran their own ‘employees vote’ across all affected staff (members and non-members) giving employees 3 options of their preferred shift pattern.
The result of their ‘ballot’ was a shift pattern resulted in a reduction in time off between rostered shifts and a further impact of members only spending 9 weekends a year with their family
Unite ran a consultative ballot of our members with the same 3 options plus a 4th option of ballot for industrial action if the Company won’t negotiate further, which returned a 95% vote.
As a result, we served notice on Monday 25th March of our intention to ballot our members, which closed on April 15th. Though we received a 95.1% vote for industrial action and offered talks to the Company, there was no response.
Strike dates commenced Wednesday 1st May, though we had offered to postpone any strike providing the Company delayed the implementation of the new shift pattern whilst we sought resolution, which they refused to do.
Subsequently Unite security members took action;
May 1st – May 5th
May 7th – May 13th
May 23rd – June 3rd
June 5th – July 23rd
Additional action included;
May 21st Members Demo held outside Luton Town Hall
May 24th Members Demo outside Civil Aviation Authority building in Holborn
June 14th Advan hired to drive around Luton for the day highlighting ’Tired Security – Bad for Staff, Bad for Passengers’
The Regional Officer and Political Officer met with Luton Borough Council on July 8th, to update LBC on the dispute and request that they use whatever influence they had in a bid to resolve the dispute.
Up to 23rd July, their final day of 12 week legal protection, members had taken 73 days of action.
They returned to work on July 24th while ACAS talks continued.
Company were insistent that the only shift pattern that suited business needs was the current pattern they had been moved onto.
At Unite’s request, an independent specialist in shift rosters was called in to look at alternatives to the original proposals.
This resulted in 2 new patterns that we agreed to take back to the members to vote on, along with the original 3.
We agreed that whilst talks remained positive, we would suspend any further action.
Following a ballot on 5 different options of shift patterns, one of the newly proposed patterns came out with a clear majority, with 75% of the workforce voting in favour.
Through the hard work of our Reps, our member’s resilience and solidarity, plus support from the Region, they have won a vast improvement to the current pattern, resulting in an increase in rest days between their rostered days plus an increase in the number of weekends that members spend with their family.
Union Recruitment Drive
LTUC stall at the Bangladesh Youth League's 40th Anniversary Summer Fun Day 20th July 2019.

